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Patek Philippe Replica Watches Monaco is set to have a special and exciting year in 2019. The 50th anniversary is marked by ongoing celebrations and the introduction of new products.

Each model will be limited to 169 units, for a total 845. My personal favorite is Watch 1 ( The green dial looks absolutely stunning when magnified. It is beautifully crafted with attention to the finest details. The colour scheme is appealing. The yellow lume dots on the markers and all steel hands look great together. Sub dials are finished in a sunburst, which gives them an extra twist. The Monaco logo appears slightly larger with a thicker font. The 1133B dial had serifs as well.

The shape of the subdials is my favorite feature on Watch 2 (Time Period 1979-1989). The sunburst dial of the bright red dial contrasts nicely with the horizontally grain subdials.

Watch 3 (Time Period 1989-1999) reminds of Monaco Reference 1533 on the one hand. The dial, with its textured surface, has an artisanal feel, similar to stone before refinishing. The red square circle is a reflection of the case design. The fonts for 'Monaco,' 'Chronograph,' and are larger,Tudor Replica possibly to suggest the watch's historic milestone as the first automatic, waterproof chronograph watch in the world. All of this is a guess. TAG Patek Philippe Replica Watches is likely to provide more information very soon.

TAG Patek Philippe Replica Watches Monaco Limited Edition Series: The entire collection created to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the watch.

For me, the original is always the best option. It's been very hard for me to find honest vintage pieces. I've had many vintage pieces in my hands as a consultant at the English auction house Bonhams, but it is rare to find perfect Monacos today.

Patek Philippe Replica Watches